Thursday, January 12, 2006

Let's all make happy rock throwing!!

Great goodness as I wake upon myself in 2006.
Recently, I outfitted my 1987 Jupiter MoonShiner 160 foot Schooner with a remote control engine and steering system. This is so that I will be able to drive the ship as I sit in my favorite spot on the whole ship, the crow's nest. I installed a vibrating back massager last month, and the view is just unbeatable. Besides, I get to keep my distance from the crew when I am up here. Just me and the seagulls.
This week we are sailing to the Islands of Des'Paire. I think it is a French name. Our mission: to document the local flora and fauna. I heard that there used to be a small fishing village in a cove on the leeward side of the island. I think me and the crew will put in there. Maybe they have a nice pub that we can base our operations out of. One with a dartboard, as I have become rather fond of the game since first mate Backes procured one last week. Sadly, Boson Richy has had to get a patch for his other eye due to an ocean swell, and a poorly aimed dart. But that is what he gets for volunteering to wear the dartboard around his neck. To make it up to him, I have ordered that he get double rations for the rest of the week.
Back to the mission however, we saw a castaway in a raft that floated by last week on our port side. He shouted that there was a rather large contingent of what I could only make out as "cannon balls". If only he would have paddled faster, we could have taken him on board. Oddly enough he started paddling the opposite direction when we shouted where we were going. Nevertheless, we sail onward to our destination to document these "scary" cannon balls. Maybe this island used to be home to an old Spanish fort, and I am reserving my excitment for the possibility of some forgoten gold treasure.
Stay tuned, as our exciting adventure full of surprises and magnificent discoveries continues. Remember to always tie a large rock to your full garbage bags when dumping them in the sea.

Your faithful Capitan!

Ol' Gort


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